Currently in progress


  1. CIRCULARITY/50/Dairy Mix/2022, Multi-criteria assessment, decision support and management tools for sustainable circular mixed farming systems for dairy production DairyMix (DairyMix), Barbara Amon, NCBR, 01.03.2022 - 28.02.2025, 1 008 545,99 PLN, share of UZ 756 409,49 PLN share of discipline 100%
  2. SUSAN/II/MELS/01/2020, Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock farming systems (MELS), Wilfried Winiwarter, ERA-NET, 01/1/2020 - 12/31/2022; PLN 6,886,067, UZ share PLN 565,653.53, discipline share 100%
  3. SUSAN/II/MILKEY/02/2020, Decision support system for sustainable and greenhouse gas optimised milk production in key European areas, Wilfried Winiwarter, ERA-NET 2020-01-01-2022-12-31; PLN 9,034,517, UZ share PLN 684,449.37, discipline share 96.5%
  4. UMO-2018/29/Z/ST10/02986 Nitrogen cycle in urban space: a new economic approach (UNCENT) to meet the challenges of climate change Monika Suchowska-Kisielewicz, 2019-04-01 - 2022-03-31, 6 799 489,41 PLN, share of UZ 862 398 PLN, share of discipline 93%
  5. Modern energy storage methods in the Spree-Neisse-Bóbr region, Marta Gortych Cross-border Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Brandenburg - Poland 2014 – 2020, 2020-01-01 - 2022-06-30; PLN 2,736,604.67, UZ share PLN 191,415.05, discipline share 50%
  6. Intelligent Nadodrze Ryszard Juliusz Rybski, Cross-border Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Brandenburg - Poland 2014 – 2020, 2019-07-01 - 2022-06-30; PLN 5,798,804.56, share of UZ PLN 795,108.7, share of discipline 29%
  7. Cooperation of scientific partners in the field of education and knowledge exchange in the field of energy storage technologies and energy efficiency in the SNB region Anna Katarzyna Staszczuk, Cross-border Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Brandenburg - Poland 2014 – 2020, 2018-04-01 - 2021-09-30; PLN 3,462,593.04, share of UZ PLN 190,454.26, share of discipline 50%
  8. 04.02.00-00-B002/18-00 PolFEL Polish Free Electron Laser, P. Szcześniak, Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 2018-1201 - 2022-12-31; Piotr Ziembicki Head of Task; PLN 118,652,674.4, UZ share PLN 756,000, discipline share 47%
  9. The use of UV-C technology to reduce the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and reduce the transmission of infections in hospitals, Smart Growth Operational Project, 2021-01-26 - 2022-01-26; Tadeusz Kuczyński Head of Task; PLN 2,459,455,
    UZ share PLN 909,285, discipline share 50%
  10. Development of an innovative technology for recycling metals from scrap of waste electronic equipment, Michał Kostrzewa, Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-20202020-04-15 - 2022-12-31; PLN 10,681,333.6, UZ share PLN 1,394,748, discipline share 2%
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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18