The education of students in the field of environmental engineering is carried out in degree programs:
Full-time and extramural I-level studies last 3.5 years (7 semesters).
Graduating from the I-level studies, one obtains the professional title of engineer without specialization.
The study of the second degree full-time and extramural lasts 1.5 years (3 semesters). Education is provided in two specialties:
Graduating from the second-degree program (full-time or extramural), one obtains the degree of Master of Engineering. Detailed information about the subjects taught in the course can be obtained here: I-degree studies (with an engineering degree) and II-degree studies (with a master's degree).
We warmly invite you to study in our field of study. Enrollment can be made at the University Recruitment Service: here.
The education of students in the practical field of Energy is carried out in degree programs:
We warmly invite you to study in our field of study. Enrollment can be made at the University Recruitment Service: here.
The education of students in the practical field of SMART CITY is carried out in degree programs:
Full-time and extramural I-level studies last 3.5 years (7 semesters).
Graduating from the I-level studies, one obtains the professional title of engineer without specialization.
We warmly invite you to study in our field of study. Enrollment can be made at the University Recruitment Service: here.