Energy - I-degree studies

First-degree studies of practical profile are conducted on a full-time and extramural basis, last 7 semesters (3.5 years) and end with the defense of the diploma thesis and the graduation exam. Graduating from the Bachelor's degree program, the graduate obtains the professional title of engineer (Eng).

Energy is an interdisciplinary course - it combines subjects in electrical engineering, mechanics, thermodynamics, environmental protection. Education is carried out on the foundation of basic subjects - mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer subjects such as information technology, engineering graphics, elements of programming and computer-aided design. Subsequently, the student acquires knowledge of electrical power engineering - power electronics, electrical machines, electrical equipment and drives, electrical power transmission, power technology - fluid mechanics, fundamentals of machine and equipment design, technical thermodynamics, power machinery.

An important range of knowledge transferred is the issues of automation and control of power equipment - electrical metrology, basics of automation, metering in power engineering, sensor technology, PLCs in power engineering. This range of topics is particularly important in the perspective of prosumer energy development, where the control of unstable energy sources requires extensive measurement and control systems. Another subject area is the installation of renewable energy sources, where the student acquires not only knowledge, but also skills, also conducting installation work.

The aforementioned course blocks are supplemented by subjects of a general nature, concerning energy economy, energy market, environmental protection in energy.

As part of the studies, students undergo an internship of 720 hours (6th semester of study) in industrial plants, design offices or state and local government institutions.

Specialties offered in the course of study:

  • Renewable energy,
  • Energy generation and distribution.

A detailed study plan is available in the SylabUZ system (link).

Profile of a graduate

Graduates of the engineering program have a wide range of knowledge, allowing them to perform tasks in companies with different profiles - from thermal power plants to small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the energy sector in the broadest sense, and companies conducting proper energy management. The place of work for graduates is also local governments, where matters related to planning and development of energy, including distributed energy, play an increasingly important role.

Graduates are proficient in a foreign language at the B2 level of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and have the ability to use a specialized language in the field of study.

Graduates of engineering studies in the field of Energy are prepared to undertake second-degree studies in the field of environmental engineering in the specialties of power engineering, electrical engineering, and environmental engineering in the specialty of renewable energy.

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18